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WinZip Courier 12

$ 38.00 *

WinZip Courier 12, The leading email solution for sending large files with simple zipping and unzipping, works with leading email Apps

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Product Overview WinZip Courier 12

Works with leading email applications

Sending large attachments has never been easier or safer. Automatically encrypt, compress, and secure attachments and emails. WinZip Courier now included with the purchase of WinZip Suite and WinZip Enterprise.

The easiest way to securely email any size file.

WinZip Courier enables you to seamlessly share any files as email attachments, with AES 256-bit military-grade encryption and state of art WinZip compression.

Just attach the files and WinZip Courier will do the rest.

Seamless User Experience
Effortless Encryption, Compression and Conversion

Military-grade encryption
AES 256-bit FIPS compliant encryption to protect attachment and email data

Policy Enforcement
Seamless Integration with WinZip Enterprise for Policy enforcement

What can you do with WinZip Courier?

Attach large or multiple files

Attach large or multiple files

  • Compress attachments automatically
  • Retain file and folder structure
  • Secure the attachment content
  • Upload to the cloud when needed
Seamless AES 256-bit Military-Grade Encryption

Seamless AES 256-bit Military-Grade Encryption

  • Seamless compress and encrypt attachments
  • Encrypt the whole message
  • Military grade AES 256-bit Encryption FIPS 197
  • FIPS 140-2 support with WinZip Enterprise
Automated computer maintenance

Secure content by converting to PDF

  • Seamlessly converts Office documents to PDF
  • Combine multiple documents into a single PDF
  • Secure content with read only PDFs
  • PDF digital signature support

Your preferred cloud provider to share files securely

Your preferred cloud provider to share files securely

  • Leverage ZipShare or your preferred cloud provider to share files
  • Automatically create download links
  • Time-bomb your shared files for extra security and space saving
Support for Webmail and Microsoft Outlook

Support for Webmail and Microsoft Outlook

  • Microsoft Outlook Add-In to manage attachments
  • Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Firefox Extension
  • Compress, Encrypt and share attachments to any email

System Requirements Winzip Courier 12

WinZip Courier requires Windows 10, and Windows 11.

Courier integrates seamlessly with any of the following email and webmail applications:

  • Microsoft Outlook 2016, 2019, 2021*
  • Office 365 (desktop client only)
  • Gmail
  • Yahoo! Mail
  • Zoho
    *Not compatible with the with the new Outlook

Courier works with the webmail listed above when used with the following browsers (32-bit or 64-bit versions):

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
  • Google Chrome v60 or later
  • Mozilla Firefox v57 or later
  • Microsoft Edge v80 or later

Cloud Services require Internet Access

  • ZipShare
  • Box
  • CloudMe
  • Dropbox
  • Google Drive
  • MediaFire
  • OneDrive
  • SugarSync

These requirements only apply to the computer system where WinZip Courier is installed. Recipients of your email messages do not need Courier and can use any email program to read your email. To open and extract attached Zip files, your recipient may need file compression software such as WinZip Standard or WinZip Pro.

Additional information

License For

1 PC

Operating System



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