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ArchiCAD 28

$ 2,600.00 *

ArchiCAD 27 is a BIM software tool for Mac and Windows developed by the Hungarian company Graphisoft.

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Overview ArchiCAD 28

What’s new

Watch this video to find out more about the highlights of the 2024 Graphisoft products lineup – Archicad 28, DDScad, BIMcloud, BIMx – the industry leading building design solutions are “Your best design option”.

Design the future with Archicad: design sustainable and better performing buildings with AI, work seamlessly with engineers, build momentum growing your business.

Archicad AI Visualizer

Discover design inspiration through the cloud-based Archicad AI Visualizer, eliminating installation hassles and minimizing hardware demands.

Archicad AI Visualizer

powered by Stable Diffusion

The Archicad AI Visualizer powered by Stable Diffusion is an Archicad capability that creates inspiring, detailed, 3D visualizations during the early design stages.

AI-Assisted Inspiration

Ready to enhance your project with the AI Visualizer? We chose the industry-leading Stable Diffusion Engine to power Archicad’s AI Visualizer, because it is fully optimized to meet the requirements of architects and design professionals.

Create a simple concept model in Archicad.

Use text prompts to generate a multitude of refined design variation images for clients, without having to manually create multiple detailed models.

Quickly explore several ideas and get inspiration from the generated results based on your 3D model, right inside Archicad.

Explore a New Design Process

Archicad AI Visualizer produces design alternatives at the early design phase by adding details, context, and ideas to your original concept.


Get Inspired

Inspire your creativity with high-quality images generated by the industry-leading Stable Diffusion AI engine.

Accelerate Design

Accelerate the early design process by evaluating more potential design alternatives in Archicad, without additional 3D modeling.

Involve Your Clients

Involve your clients early on in the design thinking process with actual visual alternatives that they can evaluate.

Expand Your Toolset

Expand your existing design toolset and impress your customers with breathtaking visualizations that are optimized for architectural and interior design use.

Available in Archicad

AI Visualizer is deeply integrated with Archicad. There is no need to purchase or install any additional third-party solutions or add-ons.

Running in the Cloud

From Archicad 28 onwards, the AI Visualizer will be installed automatically, running in the cloud and saving and storing images locally. With its cloud-based infrastructure, there is no need for powerful hardware and complex installation procedures, in this version it simply works out-of-the-box.

Product Details & Requirements

  • Supported OS: Windows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 7
  • Processor: Multicore Intel Series or above, Xeon or AMD equivalent
  • RAM: 4GB (8GB or more recommended)
  • Free Hard Disk Space: 4GB or more recommended
  • Version: 28 (2024)


Additional information

License Type


Operating System

Windows 11, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows 10

Subscription Period

12 Months


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