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REVision Effects Effections

$ 159.00$ 1,250.00 *

REVision Effects Effections Effections Plus bundle is a specially priced collection of fourteen RE:Vision Effects products.

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Product Overview REVision Effects Effections

Effections are our bundled collections.

Product highlights

  • Comprehensive suite with advanced video effects and editing tools
  • Features retiming, stabilization, and noise reduction capabilities
  • Enhance visual quality with powerful color correction tools
  • Streamline post-production workflows with versatile plug-ins
  • Seamlessly integrates with popular editing software for pro results

The Effections Plus bundle is a specially priced collection of fourteen RE:Vision Effects products.

  • DEFlicker
    DEFlicker is your solution for problematic high frame rate and timelapse footage!
  • DE:Noise
    Reduces noise using novel feature-sensitive spatial filtering along with time-based optical flow methods!
  • FieldsKit
    FieldsKit provides smarter deinterlacing and better workflow options for interlaced footage.
  • ReelSmart Motion Blur Pro
    Applies natural-looking motion blur by automatically tracking every pixel.
  • RE:Flex
    RE:Flex creates visually stunning morphs and warps with an easy-to-use interface.
  • RE:Fill
    Have a matte? RE:Fill mends holes in images by intelligently filling user-specified regions. Now with additional advanced compositing functions.
  • RE:Grade
    Augment your color correction arsenal. Restore otherwise unusable footage.
  • RE:Lens
    Lens conversions, projections and stabilization for 360 VR and fisheye footage.
  • RE:Match Pro
    Automatic color and texture matching that addresses problems of multicam and stereo shoots.
  • RE:Map
    RE:Map provides professional quality mapping and distortion tools.
  • SmoothKit
    The ultimate blurring filter set that combines user directed controls and feature sensitive methods.
  • Twixtor Pro
    Intelligently slow down or speed up your image sequences with visually stunning results.
  • Video Gogh
    Video Gogh turns your pictures and videos into painted works of art!
  • REZup
    Enhance the quality (“IQ”) of your content, increase the resolution of your video without loss of detail or introducing artifacts.

Effections for Application

After Effects
Catalyst Edit
Diamant and Dustbuster+
Final Cut Pro
Fusion Studio
Premiere Pro
Vegas Pro

Regular license works with After Effects, Autograph, Catalyst Edit, Final Cut Pro, HitFilm, Premiere Pro, Resolve, and Vegas Pro.
Plus license works with After Effects, Autograph, Baselight, Diamant and Dustbuster+, Flame, Fusion Studio, Nuke, Resolve, Scratch, and Silhouette. Pro license also works with regular product of any supported host.

The base Effections includes: DEFlicker, DE:Noise, FieldsKit, REZup and the regular version of RSMB, Twixtor and RE:Match. Effections Plus adds: RE:Flex, RE: Map, SmoothKit, RE:Lens, RE:Fill, RE:Grade, Video Gogh and the PRO version of Twixtor, RSMB and RE:Match.

Not all products work in every host applications, see the per host product pages for individual effects and compatibility. A new purchase comes with one-year of free pay-for upgrades and new products. Effections Plus is all we do in every apps we support. Effections Plus also supports floating license. The same license works in all supported hosts.

Upgrades: A year after purchase, upgrade or go to Previous Versions. Upgrades now with two years of support (all we do in all hosts we support).

Render-Only: Requires a full license, this is meant for hosts applications that support render-farm type processing.

Time-Limited: Run the latest but the license will stop working after a year unless you renew.

Additional information

License For

1 PC

Operating System

Windows, macOS, Linux


Effections, Effections Plus, Render Only

License Type

Perpetual, Subscription


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