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Cyber Radiance Hair Farm 2 Ultimate for 3ds Max

$ 465.00$ 920.00 *

Cyber Radiance Hair Farm 2 Ultimate for 3ds Max, product highlights, Wide variety of tools for modeling, animating, and rendering hair

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Product Description Hair Farm 2 Ultimate for 3ds Max

Hair Farm has two workstation releases: Professional and Ultimate. Hair Farm Professional comes with node-locked (non-floating) license for a single computer. Hair Farm Ultimate supports floating license option with a Floating License Server.

Hair Farm 2 Ultimate Licensing Features:

  • Full feature set of Hair Farm
  • Floating license support with a floating license server*
    • The Floating License Server itself has a node-locked license, so it works on a single computer. The Floating License Server can hold multiple floating licenses and each of these floating licenses can be used on one computer at a given time. Network connection to the Floating License Server is required for using Hair Farm.
  • Free maintenance updates
  • Free minor feature updates
  • Free upgrades/downgrades to all supported 3ds Max versions
  • Participation in our wish-list and bug-tracking
  • Members-only special offers
  • Access to Hair Farm online user resources

Hair Farm 2: The ultimate hair plugin is reinvented!

Hair Farm: Fast, Powerful, and Easy to Use Hair Farm is a complete hair solution for 3ds Max. It is specifically designed for CG professionals who wish to create gorgeous hair quickly and precisely. Hair Farm comes with over 50 different tools for hair modeling, animation, and rendering. It is fully integrated into 3ds Max and even allows you to use many existing features of 3ds Max with hair objects.

Hair Farm Key Features:

  • Precise modeling
    • A revolutionary hair modeling pipeline that makes hair modeling easier than ever before
  • Fast rendering
    • An incredibly fast hair rendering engine that always produces production quality visuals.
  • Realistinc Materials
    • A state of the art physically based realisting hair material with simple parameters
  • Controllable Animation
    • A rich variety of animation and simulation options and an easy to control simulation tool.


Hair Farm’s revolutionary hair modeling pipeline gives you precise control over the shape of your hair model. Hair modeling has never been so easy! If you can model anything at all, you will be able to model the exact hair that you want with Hair Farm!

Hair Farm comes with various tools which make modeling all hair from fur to medium and long hair exceptionally simple. Even very long hair, which has been extraordinarily difficult with all previous hair modeling tools, is as simple as modeling any other object! The variety of modeling tools permits choosing your own way of modeling hair depending on your target hairstyle. With Hair Farm you don’t need to be satisfied by some hair model that looks somewhat similar to what you imagined; Hair Farm allows you to create exactly what you had in mind and makes it easier than ever before!

Hair Farm also has many hairstyling tools that provide global control over the shapes of individual hair strands. These hairstyling tools can be applied to any hair model in any order and any number of times, so that you can easily achieve the result you want. All hairstyling tools have various parameters allowing you to easily and precisely control their effect. Furthermore, most of these parameters can be controlled by assigning maps, and so you can easily have different parameter values for each hair strand if you like.

Fast and Beautiful Rendering

Hair Farm comes with an incredibly fast hair renderer. After you use this hair renderer once, you won’t have the patience to use any other. Hair Farm Renderer can render millions of hairs within seconds!

Hair Farm Renderer always produces production-quality images with correct anti-aliasing and pixel blending. It does not have a “draft quality” setting simply because it does not need to!

The following figure is a comparison between the rendering speed of Hair Farm and the Hair and Fur modifier of 3ds Max. You can clearly see that Hair Farm is much faster. In this example Hair Farm is more than 35 times faster!

Hair Farm’s Renderer Support

Hair Farm Renderer works within the main renderer of your choice. You can use any renderer that supports 3ds Max plug-ins with Hair Farm Renderer. We have successfully tested Hair Farm with major 3rd party renderer plugins of 3ds Max like v-ray and Brazil r/s. Hair Farm also has an extensive set of render elements that permits easy compositing and post-processing. Moreover, Hair Farm allows you to automatically convert all hair objects to mental ray hair primitives and render using mental-ray’s native hair renderer. See the chart below:

Scanline mental ray V-Ray Brazil r/s finalRender
Hair Renderer Hair Farm mental ray Hair Farm V-Ray Hair Farm Hair Farm
Render Elements Yes (native) No (native) N/A Yes
Renderer’s Custom Cameras N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes
Renderer’s Custom Lights on Hair N/A N/A No Yes No Yes
Hair Receives Skylight Illumination Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Hair Blocks Skylight Illumination No Yes Yes Yes No No
Hair Receives Global Illumination Yes Yes No Yes No No
Hair Blocks Global Illumination No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

State of the art Hair Materials

Hair Farm comes with two separate hair materials, one of which is intended for cartoon-like or stylized characters, while the other one is physically-based and designed for realistic looking hair. Both of these materials are exceptionally easy to use.

The realistic hair material of Hair Farm successfully combines the state-of-the-art techniques in physically-based hair rendering with an artist-friendly and easy-to-use interface. It efficiently performs sophisticated physical computations such as multiple scattering of light through the hair volume to produce all the little details you need for realistic-looking hair. Furthermore, it provides a user-friendly interface that makes it appear similar to any other material in 3ds Max.

Both hair materials can be edited in the material editor of 3ds Max. Just like any other material in 3ds Max, almost all parameters can be controlled by assigning maps. You can easily control how these maps are applied to different hair strands as well as along a hair strand from its root to its tip using Hair Farm’s UVW mapping capabilities. Transparency is handled exactly as any other transparent object in 3ds Max. No need to hack hair transparency with multiple passes as 3ds Max’s Hair and Fur modifier does! Simply change the opacity parameter of a hair material, and hairs become as transparent as you like!

Powerful animation tools

There are many different ways to animate hair using Hair Farm. Hair Farm’s animation system is designed to deliver the needs of realistic, complicated hairstyles that can easily be prepared using Hair Farm’s revolutionary modeling pipeline.

Hair Farm’s hair simulation tool respects the shape of your hair model and does not begin distorting it with gravity as soon as you start simulating! In fact, the simulation tool does not change the shape of your hair model at all until you begin moving the hair object around or applying external forces (other than gravity).

While the hair simulation system of Hair Farm permits simulating the motion of complicated hairstyles efficiently, you can also use existing animation tools in 3ds Max. Hair Farm allows you to rig and animate hair using a bone structure. If you like, you can use standard modifiers of 3ds Max to animate hair as well as space-warps. Furthermore, you can also use the existing dynamics tools in 3ds Max, such as cloth simulation, to animate hair generated by Hair Farm.

The rich variety of animation options available in Hair Farm allows you to do many things that are very difficult or even impossible to do with any other hair software.

Additional information


Electronic Download

License For

Named user

License Type

Perpetual floating license, Node-locked, Full, Upgrade


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